This afternoon was spent with our grade 5 buddy class. The big buddies helped the children transform their pumpkins. Together they created animals and creatures using fabric, pipe cleaners, popsicle sticks straw etc..
This week the class started taking a closer look at Picasso and his artistic styles. Yesterday I read a book about Picasso. Today, using an iPad app called doodle buddy the children created faces in Picasso's style. They creatively used colour and played around with the placement of the eyes, nose and mouth. Tomorrow the class will create monsters in Picasso's style using paper.
We began outdoor learning today by having the children go to their 'sit spots'. They were to sit quietly and record things they see, hear, touch, smell and something they are grateful for. The children were told to draw or print their observations. It took some reminders but eventually they all got to a quite observant place. This is something that we will try to do each outdoor learning session.
After some free time the children were asked to get into groups of three to create land art. They were told to come up with an idea together and create something. Group work requires sharing of ideas, listening to each other and compromise. Definitely harder for some than others but we will continue to work on this through out the year.