After orally telling and sharing their journey sticks, the children wrote and drew what they saw and/or heard on Tuesday's outdoor learning.
Please feel welcome to come into the class for a closer look.
This afternoon we started Genius Hour. I read the book:
to get the children thinking about questions/wonders they want to investigate. I talked about the difference between a "quick" question and a wonder. Quick questions can be answered very quickly whereas wonders require further investigation, and thinking. For example, "How fast can a cheetah run?" is a quick question. "What makes a cheetah run so fast?" is a question worthy of the inquiry process.
The children ver very excited about adding their wonders to the wonder wall.
Next week the students will choose one of their wonders and work on their own or with others to investigate their question. The final step, many Thursdays later, will be to share/present what they learned.