Tuesday 31 October 2017

Halloween Fun

High adventure today!  This afternoon the children put other costumes, with a lot of help, thank you parents.  the school did a parade thought all the classes and then the grade sevens and our own Micheal Jaxon led us in the dance Thriller.

the parade

 In the gym waiting watching the children 
parade in.

Learning the moves to Thriller.

Our dance teachers.  Thanks Jaxon!

Wednesday 25 October 2017

Daily Tidbits

Below you will see the children discussing the today's Wonder Wednesday question:
                                    Why do doughnuts have holes?

Free time centres in the class. The children were all working collaboratively together on a variety of projects.

Create your own forest.

 Sharing books.

Outdoor Learning

After we walked up to our outdoor learning spot the children had free play.  Lots of digging and fort making took place. We then introduced the children to their 'sit spot' .  This is a spot that they will go back to throughout  the year.  The children sit silently in their spot and record:
-5 things they see
-4 things they hear
-3 things they can feel
-2 things they can smell 
-and 1 thing that is happening right now
We then walked through the neighbourhood tallying up halloween decorations.

Sit Spot

Story time