Thursday 30 January 2020

Can Light Paas through an object?

Today for art, the children made figures using foil.  We then used the figures to test if light can pass though an objet.  The terms; opaque, translucent and transparent were introduced.








Tuesday 28 January 2020

Listening Walk

Today for outdoor learning we went on a listening walk.  We started the session with a story called The Listening Walk.  We then began our trek to the forest.  On the way we would pause, sit, listen and then record what was heard. Once we got to the forest the children went to their 'sit spots' and recorded more sounds.













Monday 27 January 2020

Science: Light and Sound

Today we focussed on two questions;
What is necessary to see an object?
Can you change the direction of light?
The table groups were given a box with mirrors, tubes, prisms and tape and experimented with their flashlights.  The children observed that light bounces off mirrors and they could control the light's path with the tubes.