Friday 4 November 2016

After surviving the day of, and the day after Halloween, we managed to get some learning in.  I used cookbooks to have the children explore instructional writing.  The students were handed cookbooks and asked...
"What do you notice?"
"Is this a story book?"
After discovering they were cookbooks the children were asked to look the information was on the page,  i.e., title, ingredients and steps.

They next day we followed the instructions and made a cookie called Tweetie Pies.

In math today, the children continued to work on the skill of 1 more, 1 less, 2 more, 2 less using dice and a spinner.  Grade ones used the numbers 1-20 and kiddies 1-9.

We also complete some fall art.  They are hanging in the classroom.  Feel free to come and have a peek.

School directories were handed out today and one was left behind.  Come and see me if yours is missing.