Thursday 10 November 2016

Remembrance Day

This week, in preparation for Remembrance Day, I read the class two books on peace, we talked about what peace feels like, looks like, smells like and tastes like.   We also had a discussion on poppies and why people wear them this time of year.

The students used the iPads to look at images of poppies.  We then enlarged the images and used little frames to look closely at sections of the poppies.  The class was then given the task of drawing one portion (1/4) of the poppy.  I then put them back together to form the whole.  They are hanging up above the children's coat hooks if you would like to have a closer look.

On Thursday, the class made their own Peace is ..... page.

At 11:00 we had a school wide assembly.  The choir sang, "In Flanders Fields" was read and a number of intermediate classes performed dances, songs and a shadow show.  The assembly ended with a beautiful song called "My Two Hands", showing how people can make a difference with their own two hands.  Each person in the assembly was presented a paper peace crane at the end.  It was quite moving.

Reminders for next week:
Monday is a Curriculum Implementation Day.  No school for students.
The Ks have letter Ww homework.